If you want to take your honest questions and unsettling doubts and use them as the fertilizer for growing faith, then Grassroots Christianity is for you!

  • Grassroots Christianity is FOR:

    • The curious, but not the cynical
    • Those questioning, not just complaining
    • Those longing to build a beautiful community of faith

  • Grassroots Christianity is NOT FOR:

    • The Uber-Confident, but for those struggling with questions
    • The Ultra-Questioning, but for those seeking faith

Grassroots Christianity is NOT for those who already have all the answers.

If you already have everything figured out in nice and neat little boxes, where you have lines separating those who get it from those who don’t...then GRASSROOTS CHRISTIANITY isn’t for you. 

Grassroots Christianity is NOT for those who are only satisfied with asking questions.

If all you want is questions and believe that all answers are just invisible prisons, if you only revel in the wandering and have given up on a direction that leads to life...then GRASSROOTS CHRISTIANITY isn’t for you.

But Grassroots Christianity IS FOR you if you want to take those honest questions and doubts and use them as the fertilizer for faith.

What's in a Grassroots Christianity Course?

In order to GROW THE FAITH OF EVERYDAY PEOPLE, every course accomplishes the same three things: Clearing the ROCKS, seeding the SOIL, and pulling the WEEDS.

  • ROCKS: We begins by guiding you around the ROCKS that trip us up. These are the common ways of understanding the topic. These aren't usually totally wrong. They are just incomplete.

  • SEEDS: In the main part of each course we SEED the soil of faith with best of biblical insights and theological truth—all while keeping it real

  • WEEDS: In the last section of each course we pull out the WEEDS, the tough questions and common mistakes that keep our faith from growing like it should.


  • Videos

  • Practical Exercises

  • Ebook of Course

  • Downloads

Grassroots Christianity Instructor(s)

Dr. Geoff Holsclaw

Geoff Holsclaw (PhD, Marquette University, Theology and Society) is a local church pastor and seminary professor. He teaches and trains out of his extensive pastoral and academic experience. He has written three books aimed at equipping the church for mission in North America.